You can belong here before you believe here.

Heights Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe every story matters, so no matter your background or life experience we hold fast to the promise that God has a hope and future for you. 

Watch the Latest Sermon Here!

Out of the Darkness
Pastor Mark talks about the church being a place of true healing and restoration in our city.

Join a Serve Team!

We believe that we come alive when we serve! We want you serving where you are passionate! We need people in all areas of ministry on Sunday mornings AND in the various places we are in partnership with in the city!

Upcoming Events!

We feel passionate about reaching the Yakima Valley and beyond for Jesus. This means that while we want to have solid Sunday morning services, we deeply believe that life change happens best when we go into our city and do life with others.

Interested in Joining a Heights Group?

Spring Group Rally starts March 23rd! Join us as we go through the RightNow Media study "Love in Chaos" by Bob Goff. If you are interested in leading or attending a group, please click the link below!


Sundays: 7:30 am, 9am and 10:30am

Tuesday CR: Dinner at 5:45pm - Service at 6:30pm

Wednesdays Chosen Generation (6th-12th Graders): 6pm - 7:30pm